Web Site Garage
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Temp Page

Im still thinking of something to do on this webpage. It uesd to be a quake clan page but now quake 1 is outdated. So this is a better version of my old temp page (I actually put SOME effort in this page.) So then its a new temp page featuring some of the multiplayer games i play over the net and therefor if anyone wants a game of any of the listed games (and some others that i havent, i have plenty but cant remember all of em) just drop me a line.

Heavy Gear
7th Legion
Total Anihilation
Close Combat
Jedi Knight
I-War (if thats multiplayer :)havent played it much)
And i guess ill add some links(that means i hold no responcibility to any or all of these links.
If you want u can leave a message below or e-mail me at the bottom or you can contact me via ICQ(98).
Page me with ICQs Technology

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Web Site Garage
If you need or want a tune up on your homepage goto the link above and check out The Web Site Garage. They fix up your Homepage and have many options suited for you...IF your interested be sure to click the above link